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Textile designer


Afsaneh Modiramani was born In Tehran where she currently lives and works.

She studied crafts of Iran at the University of Fine Arts in Isfahan. She has over 30 years of experience in the field of textile design.

 “The long journey of weaving, from start to finish, is in parallel to the life of the weaver. When I weave with repeating a continuous motion and sound in silence, it seems that I connect the present time in my life to a distant past and also to humans who entrusted me with the task of preserving and continuing this art; no matter where I belong on the earth, weaving as ritual is like describing body something between machine and flesh. And like a golden ticket to make a magical journey for me. A trip to an unknown place is, moving from the pattern to a improvise art work and then continue back to the pattern and color. In this journey, I use different fibers, either natural or mad, in different colors and materials Such as cotton, wood, silk, fabric scraps or even strings of metal, improvisatory"